
Multifunctional and adaptable spaces

At 29,000 square meters, CCL – The Lisbon Congress Centre comprises five pavilions, eight auditoriums, six foyers, 34 meeting rooms and one restaurant with a 400-person capacity. It also benefits from 2 parking lots, managed by a third-party company, with a capacity for 1,100 vehicles and direct access to the building. All the spaces at CLL are highly versatile and feature unique characteristics that make each event a success.


Multifunctional and adaptable spaces

At 29,000 square meters, CCL – The Lisbon Congress Centre comprises 5 pavilions, 8 auditoriums, 6 foyers, 34 meeting rooms and one restaurant with a capacity for 400 people. It also benefits from 2 parking lots, managed by a third-party company, with capacity for 1,100 vehicles and direct access to the building. All its spaces are highly versatile and feature unique characteristics that make each event a success.

A complete offering of multifunctional and versatile equipment for events of all types

Floor Area (m2) Theatre School Board U Shape Banquet 10pax Cabaret 8pax Nº of Tables
Auditorium I 1 1700 1500
Auditorium II 1 390 380 150 64 48 170 136 17
Auditorium III 1 120 120 46 32 30 60 48 6
Auditorium IV 1 120 120 46 32 30 60 48 6
Auditorium III+IV 1 240 240 92 64 62 120 96 12
Auditorium V 0 400 390 190 88 82 240 192 24
Auditorium VI 0 300 290 140 64 50 150 120 15
Auditorium VII 0 400 390 160 80 60 200 160 20
Auditorium VIII 1 400 390 160 80 60 200 160 20
Auditorium VI+VII 0 700 690 300 100 100 360 288 36
Pavilion 1 0 1800 950 760 95
- Pavilion 1 Room 0.01 0 65 50 24 20 18 30 24 3
- Pavilion 1 Room 0.02 0 55 50 24 20 18 30 24 3
- Pavilion 1 Room 0.03 0 48 42 14 20 18 30 24 3
- Pavilion 1 Room 0.04 0 49 44 15 24 22 30 32 3
- Pavilion 1 Room 0.05 0 32 30 14 14 12 30 24 3
Pavilion 2 0 3800 2500 - - - 2000 1600 200
Pavilion 3 0 1200 720 576 72
- Pavilion 3 Room A 0 180 150 80 56 44 130 104 13
- Pavilion 3 Room B 0 180 150 80 56 44 120 96 12
- Pavilion 3 Room C 0 180 150 80 56 44 120 96 12
Pavilion 4 1 1000 - - -
- Pavilion 4 Room 1.02 1 43 35 16 20 18 30 24 3
- Pavilion 4 Room 1.03 1 43 35 16 20 18 30 24 3
- Pavilion 4 Room 1.04 1 43 35 16 20 18 30 24 3
- Pavilion 4 Room 1.05 1 50 50 24 28 26 30 24 3
- Pavilion 4 Room 1.06 1 50 50 24 32 30 30 24 3
- Pavilion 4 Room 1.07 1 60 55 24 32 30 30 24 3
- Pavilion 4 Room 1.08 1 70 65 26 32 30 40 32 4
Pavilion 5 1 1200 - - -
- Pavilion 5 Room A 1 180 150 68 35 30 120 96 12
- Pavilion 5 Room B 1 180 150 68 35 30 120 96 12
- Pavilion 5 Room C 1 180 150 68 35 30 120 96 12
Room 0.06 0 50 48 16 18 16 30 24 3
Room 0.07 0 60 60 28 28 26 50 40 5
Room 0.08 0 55 50 22 20 18 30 24 3
Room 1.09 1 70 70 28 28 26 50 40 5
Room 1.10 1 65 50 24 24 20 40 32 4
Room 1.11 1 30 30 10 8 10 20 16 2
Room 1.12 1 30 30 10 8 10 20 16 2
Room 1.13 1 80 76 28 28 28 50 40 5
Room 1.14 1 40 30 14 16 14 40 32 4
Room 1.15 1 60 60 28 28 24 50 40 5
Room 2.01 2 30 30 8 10 14 30 24 3
Room 2.02 2 30 30 8 10 14 30 24 3
Room 2.03 2 30 30 8 10 14 30 24 3
Room 2.04 2 30 30 8 10 14 30 24 3
Room 2.05 2 30 30 8 10 14 30 24 3
Terrace 1 282 140 64 30 26 90 72 9
Foyer A 0 612 - - - - - - -
Foyer B 0 465 - - - - - - -
Foyer C 0 779 - - - - - - -
Foyer D 1 612 - - - - - - -
Foyer E 0 686
Foyer F 1 332 - - - - - - -
Press Gallery 2 - - - - - - - -